Assalammu'alaikum,,,Irasshaimase,Wilujeng Sumping, Selamat datang ^_^

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Soulmate ...

Is the one who can make u feel hommy and cozzy
Is the one who can share you anything...
Is the one who can listen want you want even you never say...
Is the one who can do anything to make you happy...
Is the one who can do sacrifice...

Soulmate is someone special...
To fill your emptiness..
Who can listen the words even in the silence
Who can bring the sun shines bright...
Makes your heart feel so warm and be thankful..
Who always there, beside you
You'll never pretend...

Foto :

8 komentar:

  1. wew soulmate ya teh cha,. sapa tu soulmatenya haha,. Who Always there beside you.. Like This

  2. K Aul : hehehe..capa yaw :D He said to me "sssttt..still secret...just keep praying and I'll give the best soulmate for u ;)" gitu kang katanya. So, ya wanda, wa ndatau geto...xixixixiixi :D mhon doanya aje ye bro Aul..hehe :D

  3. aduh..aduh..mudah-mudahan segera menemukan soulmatenya..
    just JJS^^

  4. K Has : hehehe amin....thanks anyway ..salam kenal :D

  5. blogwalking ke member bloofer,

    Salam kenal :)

  6. K Yudhi : salam kenel juga :D hatur nuhun dah mau berkunjung :)

  7. Soulmate should be the one who can make us closer to Allah, too :)

  8. pege : yups..absolutely right ;) amin2 :D salam kenal and arigatou dah mampir ^^v
